What my mom taught me about laundry.

Growing up, I always referred to the laundry room as the magic room. My brain couldn’t quite fathom that if I put my dirty laundry in there that by the end of the day it would be folded on my bed neatly and ready to be put away. Fast forward 30 years later and turns out there isn’t quite a magical room, but there is a mom (or dad) who is ready to take on the task.
Now, because my mom thoroughly enjoyed doing laundry (and still does), it took me a while to learn how to do it properly as I grew into an adult. There were many, many mistakes made throughout university and lots of favourite outfits that may have turned a different colour (or two) along the way.
Thankfully, when I became a mom myself, she knew it was time to step in and help me learn the tricks of the trade. One of the most important things that she taught me was that using Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent was the reason for such incredible results. Because of this, I have been using Arm & Hammer as a faithful essential in my home ever since. Turns out, Arm & Hammer has been a trusted brand since it was created in 1846 when John Dwight and Austin Church used their sodium bicarbonate in their kitchen.
I am 38 weeks pregnant with my third, and it is almost time to bring this new baby into the world. EEK! I will be the first to admit that prepping for the new baby has been much more fun than the other two. I think when you get to your third you are well aware of how little you actually need and instead, how much mental preparation actually goes into the entire process.
I think, when you are a first-time parent, you appreciate feeling organized and that somehow, the more organized you are, the more prepared you’ll be to tackle parenthood; when in fact, once you have your hands on a couple of necessities, you’re well on your way. Although I am a much more lax mom this time around, one thing that I still take very seriously is the clothing that my children wear.
Arm & Hammer Baby Laundry Detergent is formulated with sensitive skin in mind. This is especially important as both of my children suffered from eczema and skin irritations at a young age. Theodore specifically had a hard time, and still does, if there are any harsh chemicals, dyes or perfumes with a detergent. Thankfully, A&H Baby Laundry Detergent is dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic and free of harsh chemicals, dyes and perfumes. One less thing to worry about while dealing with a toddler—and trust me, there are many other things to worry about, laundry shouldn’t be one of them!Naturally, throughout life, things come up and routines change. There have been a few instances where I have used other laundry detergent brands and the results have never been as satisfying. Not only for the reasons mentioned above, but also based on getting rid of stains. Children are bound to make a mess, and truth be told, when my kids come to me at the end of the day and are full of messes, I know that they’ve enjoyed exploring and having fun. Mission accomplished. Rather than wasting time worrying about stains, the kids get to enjoy their childhood, and I can rely on A&H to take care of the rest. Living out in the country means well water, and well water equals harsher water for washing our clothing.
There are many tips and tricks that I keep in my back pocket from watching my mom raise my brother and I into adulthood. I remember when I was in school, my friends would come up to me and tell me that I smelt like laundry and I was always slightly insulted because I would be wearing a three dollar perfume from the dollar store and was disappointed they couldn’t smell that instead. As I’ve gotten older, I realize that having others notice my family’s fresh, clean clothes just might be one of the greatest compliments you can get. It is my goal to become the laundry queen and by using A&H I am well on my way!
Some of my favourite facts about Arm & Hammer Baby Laundry Detergent are:
Free of Harsh Chemicals
Free of Dye & Perfume
For more information about A&H Baby Laundry Detergent and where you can purchase it for yourself, click here. Laundry for your family is an everyday essential and I am thankful that it’s not something that I have to concur myself with knowing that I have the best product in the market.